Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 2 : Well windlass : part 1

On the very first day we were given an assignment to create a well windlass spanning 12 centimeters and capable of lifting a bottle of water 10 centimeters above the top of the gap with the 10 centimetres being measured from the top of the bottle to the level surface of the gap which was modeled using two tables separated by 12 centimeters. This time I was working with a different partner. The idea is to work of a whole lot of people during the semester, and then find out who you work best with for the final project. You know the funny thing is that I generally just tend to pick partners are sitting next to me and it class during the day that we pick our partners?

Okay, so the first part in designing is to do the brainstorming. My partner and I came up with basically just one idea of something that was kind of bridge like but had a rotating drum in the middle to pull up the bottle faster than just a stick. However we took up a lot of paper in order to describe our ideas to each other. I had to practice a lot of my 3d rendering skills, which weren't always obvious to my partner. She also had a different way of representing the structure which was a front top left right and bottom views of the object all-in-one page, which I wasn't particularly familiar with, and found difficult to imagine three-dimensionality for.
From the beginning we were concerned about the stability of our structure. I wanted side supports. My partner suggested supporting spans that bridge the gap in addition to the drum, and I supported the idea because I expected that the force pulling down on the drum would tend to make the two side plates the two sides of ports collapse into the gap if they weren't being kept apart. 
On Sunday I went for an hour to try and build what are some of the side plates I went pretty detailed into building them I built the side plates with the holes and the fasteners cutting the holes for the tight fit key and hole. Then you know later on on Tuesday, I figured since this is the model I don't actually have to spend all that time and effort going into the details of fastening when I could just use tape and then after that my modeling process just got like infinitely faster.

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