Sunday, January 31, 2016

First Blog Post: Introduction

    Hello, world!
    My name is Amy! 
    I am totally new to blogging.  
Seriously, I don't see the attraction in spending hours crafting a message that potentially everyone, but probably no one will see to share one's personal life and experiences with the whole world?  That doesn't sound like fun.  But that might just be me. 
     I mean, I'm pretty sure I went into computer science because I didn't like writing.  The funny thing is, that when you apply for an engineering school in a university, they make you write an extra essay for wanting to be an engineer, typically: why you want to be an engineer?  Why do you want to come to this engineering school? On top of the, why are you an interesting unique person?  and Why do you want to come to our amazing school?  Even though all you wanted, was to do math to get out of doing English.   But, alas, one can never escape writing.  Very quickly you learn that despite the trope of engineers working totally alone in the wee hours of the morning on something horribly inscrutable, that the [much better] reality of engineering is that of constant collaboration, communication, and ideally lots of technical documentation with diagrams and project management charts.  So you spend a good portion of your time recording what you actually did for the edification of others.  And of course, you really value the instructions and insights that other people have been kind enough (or egotistical enough) to write, and you want to do the same to prove yourself likewise intelligent and magnanimous. In short, my attempt at avoiding writing failed.  At least I mostly avoided writing papers about animate beings with egos (aka people).

I'm taking this course because I'm hoping to learn a lot of things.    
I look forward to learning Solid Works.  
I look forward to learning Matlab.
I look forward to learning SimuLink.
I look forward to operating milling machines
I look forward to operating lathes
I look forward to using a laser cutter and a 3D printer. 
In particular I look forward to learning how to connect the mechanical with the programmatic(this one is big for me)
Because I love building robots.
because I love pondering the physical design of things, appreciating the good designs, and complaining about the bad.
because I tend to like applied math.  
because I'm not bad at rotating objects in my head
and because more than a few people said that engineering would be more useful to a CS major than a Chemistry
Because I love thinking about 
Because I should probably get a portfolio of projects to show off to potential employers

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